About Us

Wall 2 Wall Manufacturing, home of Old South Dog Boxes, is a custom welding and fabrication shop specializing in high grade aluminum products. Residing in Springfield, Louisiana, owners Chad and Dana Wall have roots that run deep in the southern swampland. The Walls have strong family traditions in hunting and alligator farming that give them a special insight into the needs and wants of serious outdoorsmen. Being so closely tied to the outdoors through their personal and professional interests, the Walls understand the value of quality gear that is expected by a wide range of sportsmen including guides and outfitters, field trial competitors, as well as deer, rabbit, hog, cattle, and squirrel hunters, among others.
Both Chad and Dana grew up hunting with family. You might say that hunting, in one form or another, has been a way of life for them. Since the early 2000’s, Chad has worked in boat design and fabrication in addition to building custom dog boxes. Simultaneously, he worked for his family’s alligator farm harvesting eggs, raising the farmed gators, and hunting wild alligators. Coming from a family of avid hunters, he spent numerous hours in the company of hunters and sportsmen. Eventually, Chad became a pro staff hunter and videographer for people who had their own hunting TV shows.
Their love of hunting and the outdoors made Chad and Dana a perfect match. Already an experienced deer hunter, she became a bowhunter like Chad, and then an alligator hunter and fellow videographer. Their blend of interests in hunting and spending time outdoors has evolved into a unique lifestyle that includes raising their young daughter, running Wall 2 Wall Manufacturing and Old South Dog Boxes, alligator farming and hunting, traveling the country hunting whitetails, and filming their hunts for their show “Wallhanger TV” on the Pursuit Channel.
Attending field trial events, the Walls discovered that fellow hunters had a need for custom high quality dog boxes at an affordable price. Old South Dog Boxes was created to supply the demand for standard dog boxes and trailers while offering their customers an opportunity to design their project exactly as they wanted, no matter how simple or customized. This product line provides the toughest boxes on the market with a guarantee to last a lifetime.
The combination of Wall 2 Wall Manufacturing and Old South Dog Boxes has allowed the Walls to expand their custom work to include: dog kennels, bird rigs, t-tops for boats, custom aluminum work for law enforcement, veterinarians, and animal control, CNC plasma work including commercial signs for businesses, and custom metal artwork for home and office decor, awards, and plaques. They also construct pedestal stands for big game mounts and build custom cargo carriers for receiver hitches on trucks or SUVs.
Whether you live in the deep south, the midwest, or elsewhere in the United States, Wall 2 Wall Manufacturing can customize aluminum work for you. They ship nationwide. If you are an avid hunter, a field competitor, a company that needs a new sign, or a homeowner who likes metal artwork, please check out their product lines and their store to see what they can create for you.